Updated on 18 November 2019

We have built a couple of websites for businesses over the years and learned a great deal about the requirements to run a successful business website. Very often we hear a person saying that they want a website for their business in order to direct clients to it when they have questions. We also often hear that a person needs a website for his/her business because all businesses have websites these days. This often leads to a website failing to meet the business owners’ expectations. We have previously written an article on signs that your website needs help.

These are just two of the most misguided and ill-informed decisions we hear very often.

In today’s post we will have a look at why your business need a website and how to approach the process of getting a website for your business.

A Business website should secure revenue: 

First, a website should be able to attract visitors and then assist in turning them into clients or customers. This means that a business website should not be something that you refer people to but instead a part of your business that contributes to increasing your revenue. A business website should be part of the business. In fact, it should be an integral part of your business. An ideal business website should not only be able to inform potential clients of your range of products and services but also why your products and/or services will resolve their problems or meet their requirements and expectations. It should define why your services/products should be used over an above that of your competition.

A website should be used as a funnel through which you lead potential clients into paying clients.

A Business website should give a visitor an interactive and pleasant experience:

A pleasant user experience (UX) on your business website is a very important part of turning visitors into paying clients. User experiences should encourage your visitors to get into the sales funnel. Although interactivity between your website and your visitor is a good starting point the most overlooked part of a user’s experience is the ease (or lack thereof) with which he/she can navigate through your website. There is an unwritten rule that requires that a visitor should be able to reach any part of your website with two clicks at the most. Any more clicks will lead to visitors leaving your site without feeling that the website added any value.

A Business website should be dynamic.

Most businesses find themselves in an ever-changing environment where the needs of people change very often. A static website may quickly become outdated if it is not regularly updated to accommodate the latest needs of your potential clients. A static website that is written (coded) in HTML, CSS and JavaScript will need the assistance of a website designer/developer to apply changes. Not only can this be costly for small businesses, but a lot of time can be wasted between realizing the need for change, deciding on the change and effecting the change. This is where a Content Management System (CMS) website comes in handy. With a bit of training small business owners or an employee can manage the website and make immediate changes when the need arise. An example of a perfect CMS website platform is WordPress. With access to a dashboard a website owner can make any changes him/herself without having to hire a website developer.

A Business website should actively engage with its clients. 

With Social Media growing by the day it will be unforgivable if a business website is not integrated with the most prominent social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Linking your website to these platforms allows your satisfied clients to share their positive experiences and promote your businesses’ brand in the process. Linking your website with the mentioned social media platforms also affords your clients a means of contacting you and prospective clients to ask pre-sales questions and get immediate responses. Social media, through integration with your website also helps you to define and understand your audience. Having insight into your potential clients’ thoughts and behaviour will open up a new world of possibilities and opportunities. Registering your website on “GoogleMyBusiness” will also offer a platform for your clients to engage with you.

A Business website should guide your client through the sales funnel.

A sales funnel can be summed up as a process through which you can guide a visitor to make a purchase. This is often referred to as the buyers’ journey. There are different types of sales funnels, but the AIDA Sales Funnel for a Business websitemodel is the most widely used funnel. AIDA is an acronym for Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action. A Business website is a very handy tool to utilise the sales funnel. A Business website should therefore create:

Awareness of the specific products and/or services. This can be done with the aid of explanatory videos, images, audio and text to name a few.

The Business website should be planned and designed to create Interest in the product/service. This can be done by showcasing how it can resolve a problem of fulfill a need a potential client may have.

Once the potential client’s interest has been created a Desire that desire must be turned into a purchase.

A client’s desire must be turned into an Action. His can be done by means of different “Calls to action”

A visual representation of a sales funnel can be seen to the right.

There are more shortcomings which hampers a website from actively promoting your website and assist in building a steady revenue. This can be discussed in another article.

The bottom line is that a Business Website can do so much for your business if planned, designed and developed properly.

Nobody is visiting your website.

Last but not the least, none of the above will play any role in steering your Business Website in the right direction if you do not get any visitors to your website. Have a look at our blog article discussing why people are not visiting your website.

Contact us today to see how we can assist in getting your business website on the road to success. You may just need a Professional Website Redesign.


Eitel Bock